Monday 1 September 2008

I wish I'd never bought....

A few weeks ago my mum bought a Egghead Small Fry Mini Pan. With an aesthetically pleasing handle and a small shape it looked ideal for frying eggs. Described by retailers as a great addition to any kitchen I had high hopes that this cute novelty item would actually work. Unfortunately I was mistaken. The first time I attempted to use the pan it actually fell off my gas powered hob causing the egg to fall out, and as if that wasn't enough the 'cute' handle heats up so as you try to pick it up you end up burning your hands. Not exactly a great addition to my kitchen to say the least. Its inability to be used in conjunction with a gas powered hob severly restricts its number of potential customers, and even used on an electric hob the handle still heats up making it difficult and dangerous to use. Although I like the unique twist this product has from a conventional frying pan, if it doesn't function then whats the point? I think this product is a perfect example of design gone too far. There's nothing wrong with frying eggs in a conventional pan, if its not broken don't fix it.


♥ charlotte ♥ said...

what a lovely article x

Will Verity said...

really good, I enjoyed it alot :)how much did it cost? x

Anonymous said...

I dont see why you even bought it in the first place jst use a normal frying pan!

Josh said...

it seems like a pointless pan to me! especially if the handle heats up!!

alex said...

ummmmmm hmmmmmmmm im not sure about £15 i think :) x